I am a self love coach, my flavour is a little different than most feminine empowerment coaches in that I also offer tantric bodywork as an equal part of my offering. I offer my self love coaching services in person in the Durham region but also online, teaching women the power of self love.
Becoming a women empowerment coach was something that developed organically as I worked one on one with women exploring orgasm creation through Yoni massage and Sex magic ritual creation. Women chose to work with me for many reasons but the biggest one is, they know and feel, I have the ability and knowledge to be their catalyst. Life is working for you, embrace the power of your pussy and feel what truly embodying and loving yourself can bring in.
What is Self Love Coaching
Well for me, I have to admit, I felt the title tickled me, almost like a double entendre. I teach beautiful human souls to love their bodies both physically and emotionally. This approach to Female empowerment is through unending, unrelenting, deeply embodied self-adoration. My methods are a mix of so many different teachings pulled together to create my Code love programs. My version of self love coaching includes a full body approach, Yoni massage, yoni egg work and self pleasure rituals are all part or the work need to fall deeply in love with our self.
Why hire a female Empowerment or Self love Coach
The reason we hire women empowerment life coaches is to learn from their life discoveries, so you can fast track that part and piggy back on their learning and experience allowing you to leap frog up the vibration ladder. Finding a self love coach that you resonate with can be a complete game changer. I know this from experience. Change your story around your value, you deserve to feel your very best, so find the very best person to guide you to find it within yourself.
What is the difference between coaching & therapy?
Therapy is a long drawn out practice of healing wounds. And very valid- I’ve done this work too! But self love coaching is a deep dive to make a major shift in life. You hire a coach when you are done with status quo and you know there are more or deeper ways to move through your life. When checking off the prescribed boxes of life is no longer enough. A coach asks you the questions that bring your own evolutionary shifts. Coaching of any type is about empowerment and finding the path to your own knowing. That’s why you work with them for short bursts. A good coach is a catalyst, they ignite your drive, but keeping the momentum is why the rituals are so important. There are many therapists in Durham Region but I am the only sacred sexual healer and self love coach in the region.
Why Work With Daniella?
My journey in tantra sexuality, self love discovery and exploration started only 4 years ago at the end of devastating divorce. My ability to clearly remember the ‘before’ doing this work feelings in my body is part of why I can draw people so quickly out of it. I can see through all the hang ups and hold backs clearly and know hidden limits that can be deeply held and hidden. We work under through the surface story to clear limiting beliefs that you may not even know are derailing you. My passionis sharing my lessons in sexual empowerment by one-on-one self love life coaching sessions and workshops in the Durham Region, Toronto, and now online.

Working with me is not about staying in your comfort zone and it will not be easy. We are going to laugh and we are definitely going to cry and probably rage scream and tantrum too. Growth can’t come in comfort, we grow in fire, learning to ignite your sex, your pleasure, and drop the shame baggage. Embrace all of you, no stone left unturned. What does your heart yearn for? This is the starting point of change. Dropping habits, beliefs and people that hold you back from the desire. Realigning your actions to your soul fire and life’s purpose. Figuring out the desire is a process, but a surprisingly easy one. The work is in coming into awareness of what needs to get out of your way to embrace the life you have been longing for.
Self-Love Coaching Packages

Remember YOU package
3*75 minute session- $700
This package is for those that have either done their own work already or just need a refocus in life to readjust their path. We work on 1-3 specific limiting beliefs or life triggers you have yet to clear and build clear focus on next steps.

Just Me package
7*90 minute session- $1999
This package is a journey into self from the core of your fears, shames and limiting beliefs, we will go deep into your shadows and pull out your truths and learn to love and embrace yourself fully.

Glowing Me package
12*90 minute coaching session + 3*9120 bodywork session $5000
The ultimate mix of body work and coaching sessions to release all the stories and physical blockages to allow you to fully embrace your life in purpose and embrace your power.